Art Can Make Your Mundane Morning Routine More Fun

wake up and watercolor challenge watercolors

Here’s the truth - maybe you can’t get into a morning routine because it doesn’t feel fun??? 🥱

I remember a few years ago I was hiding in bed, hitting snooze, dreading all of the meetings, demands, and non-stop hustling that was waiting for me.

I *knew*  when I tried a morning journaling session or meditation, I felt better, but I never stuck with it because I got bored.

I remember wondering why I can’t just have a “normal” morning routine like the blogs, IG posts, and podcasts told me to...

PLUS I was already:

😡Frustrated because I wanted to be more creative and have hobbies but never made time for them
😵‍💫Overwhelmed because my daily schedule and the demands on me felt impossible
🫠Tired and stressed because I slept until the last possible minute

One day it hit me that if I wanted to have a solid morning routine that makes me feel good, I needed to give up the things that didn’t serve me and finally find something that DID.

I thought “why CAN’T my morning routine involve PAINTING??” 

A-ha! It’s not complicated, but I did have to make intentional choices that go against the “norm” or regular “morning routine advice.”

Instead of straight up journaling, or walking, or meditating, I decided to have some fun and do something I like... PAINT! 

It’s really quite simple: I journal my morning pages on watercolor paper and then I paint over it, capturing whatever I’m feeling. 
In my 15+ years coaching creatives, I have seen dozens of everyday folks who keep trying to do the same things in the morning that “society” or the latest “self-care pro” says you should..

😵‍💫It’s exhausting - the start/stop cycle, trying to do things that feel good to others but not to you, giving up and going back to the snooze life cuz why bother....

There is another way! You can have FUN in the morning ya’ll!

🎨Imagine what your life would be like if you were excited to get up, excited for your morning routine, energized by the people around you, and that carried on throughout your day???

The best thing is - You GET to make the choice to do something differently...even if it’s not what everyone else is doing.

If you want to see what painting in the morning is like, check out my free 5 day Wake Up and Watercolor Challenge! You'll experiment with morning masterpieces and learn the basics of mindful and peaceful watercolor painting.